Sunday, January 10, 2010

i Friday- Confined

I had a lot of ideas for this weeks topic. Maybe its because I am confined in my house this weekend. It is brutally cold for the second straight week.
My favorite idea was depicting a child in a play pen watching his/her siblings play outside. Unfortunately I don't have any models around and it's too cold to round some up. So heres a simpler idea. It's one of those little fish people pick up at Walmart. I feel so sorry for them. I always hope they are sold to someone with a big tank.


Unknown said...

The winter months make us all feel a bit like this guy...nice treatment of the glass bowl and lighting!

Cynthia said...

Wonderful! Love the fish scales!

Artist at Play said...

Nice composition. Cropping made the fish feel even more confined.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done. At least he has a good view!

gatheringwonder said...

wow - fantastic illustration - love that expression on the fish and great coloring

Susan said...

Beautifully done! This is a Beta Fish, I always feel sorry for them too that they are so confined. They say they live naturally in small puddles in tropical climates, but still, a nice big tank never hurt!

Dave said...

Very pretty. The image is so loose and shows your feeling and point of view.

k.h.whitaker said...

lovely illustration, very nicely done

alex fine illustration said...

Very strong painting. I love the expression on the fish.

Sadhvi said...

i really the colors here :)

Tabitha said...

Wow this is amazing!! The detail is incredible!